Rebecca Morton MA also offers coaching:

  • English and French

  • Voice and

  • Editing, proof-reading and Dramaturgical services

    The Body is the instrument for the full expression of your Voice. Breath is the connection that makes things possible.

Photo - Rebecca Morton and Tref Gare in Love’s Labours Lost with the Melbourne Shakespeare Company 2019

Photo - Rebecca Morton and Tref Gare in Love’s Labours Lost with the Melbourne Shakespeare Company 2019


The more I progressed my management career in Australia, the more I noticed that I lacked a similar English accent to native speakers. I am from Slovenia, Europe, and I was looking for someone who would help me to improve my pronunciation. I was thrilled when I met Rebecca. Not only was she able to teach me better spoken English, but as well improved my writing style, performance and public speaking. I soon started to notice the difference: when we practised one sound, this made it applicable to hundreds of other words. I became more confident, and I even started publishing articles and vlogging in English - something I never thought I would be brave enough to do.

“With the new ISO-era, in quarantine, I started to study movies, and I was positively surprised when I encountered Natalie Portman’s accent coach, and I saw that Rebecca’s training was very similar. I feel very privileged to have Rebecca’s support, and I see this as an excellent investment in myself that is creating permanent results for me. I cannot recommend Rebecca enough!
— Spela Adamic, Head Of Project Management Office